Interested in Self Publishing an Anthology?

Fact! Anthologies are a great way to enter the world of publishing. Knowing you are not enduring the process alone gives you the momentum to finish. If you have an anthology in mind, grab this free guide on how to plan, start, and prepare an Anthology for publishing.
You will learn the steps you need to turn your idea into a reality.


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Step By Step Guide to Self Publishing an ANTHOLOGY


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      Great Resource & Tool

      Anthologies show relatability. For those looking for someone who understands their situation, anthologies can be of help.



      Quick & Easy Writing Process

      Collections of short stories and essays make up a big part of the world of authorship. While many can write a 40,000+ word book, you don't have to in order to share your story. Anthologies are perfect for writing that story and making your point precise and clear.



      Community Builder

      Anthologies build instant community. Using this opportunity to talk and discuss, during the writing process with your fellow co-writers, builds a strong foundation for community. And after publishing, each author's growing influence adds to the community and offers opportunity.


      Do you have an Anthology idea you're ready to release to the world, but are not sure of your next steps? Then it's time to talk about it. If you are ready to move forward, click the link below and let's get started!

      I'm Ready!
       Self Publishing Made Easy with Kaishia!

      I'm on assignment to help you through your self publishing journey. You’re not in this alone. 


      Let's Talk! Schedule your call now.